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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Trap Pain...No More

RICE Treatment

According to MayoClinic. com, you can care for minor trapezius strain at home using the RICE treatment. Rest from the activity that caused the strain, and apply an ice pack for 15 minutes every few hours. You can also reduce discomfort by applying an elastic bandage. Neck Solutions adds that you should elevate the muscle above your heart -- meaning that you should avoid lying flat -- and apply heat with a hot bath or heating pad after the initial swelling has subsided. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications and topical creams can be employed for pain, if you have no conditions that preclude their use.

Massage for Trapezius Strain

Neck Solutions notes that you can use massage to reduce pain and stiffness in your trapezius muscle. The website advises using one or two fingers to apply a firm, steady pressure for at least 60 seconds. Then massage the area in circles for another minute or two. For hard-to-reach areas, you can use a back massager.

Herbal Remedies

Herbalists often recommend ginger to reduce inflammation and swelling. Ginger's volatile oils contain the anti-inflammatory agents beta-bisabolene and zingiberine., which provides medically-reviewed information to consumers, reports that most studies on ginger show an ability to reduce pain greater than placebo but less than that of traditional anti-inflammatory drugs. The usual dosage is 250 mg to 1 g of root powder taken three to four times per day. Consult your doctor before using ginger, and don't take it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Bromelain, an enzyme extracted from pineapple, contains proteolytic enzymes that may reduce inflammation. In a review conducted by S. Brien and colleagues and published in the December, 2004 issue of "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine," the author concluded that bromelain has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, but said more study was needed to evaluate its usefulness and proper dosage in treating inflammatory conditions. notes that the usual dosage is 40 mg three or four times a day. Ask your doctor before using bromelain. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, don't take bromelain.


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