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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Guzzle Water Everyday

When you think of the amount of pollution, weather damage and abuse we subject our skin to, it's no wonder it begins to look a little dull long before it should. While our surroundings are often something we can't control, how we treat our skin is in our power. We have to be extra diligent in providing it nourishment to get that healthy glow, but it is possible! Now that I am in my late 20's, I never expected to see fine lines and wrinkles pop up on my face - but with the stress of school, finances, partying and living life, it's no wonder many of us begin to age before we even hit 30! Here are a few great tips that makeup artists and dermatologists have provided so we can take back that youthful glow:
Guzzle water everyday - Though you can't hydrate dry skin from the inside out, drinking water every day cleanses toxins that build up in the body and start showing on the skin. Flush your system with at least 64 ounces of water each day - I really notice a difference in how smooth and supple my skin is after I've been hydrating a few days.


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