Lasers are fast becoming a popular non-surgical way to deal with various skin conditions. Laser treatments provide effective lasting results. It is important to note that we only do facial laser treatments. These treatments sessions take various times and allow you to return to work or daily activities immediately after a session. You can contact our office using the "Contact Information" section in the left column of the web page.
Dr. Jordan and his staff are proud to offer laser skin therapy via the following safe, proven methods:
For treatment of skin redness, tiny veins, brown spots and sun damage as well as “Laser Genesis” by Cutera laser systems.
It is a gentle, non-surgical, non-invasive treatment to exfoliate the outermostlayer of skin, composed of dead cells. This is done with the use of a fine diamond tip wand while at the same time vacuuming the dead skin cells away in a controlled manner.
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Laser Genesis (treats fine line wrinkles, large pores, uneven skin texture, diffuse redness and scars).
The Laser Genesis procedure utilizesnon- evasive laser technology to safely, discretely and effectively treat fineline wrinkles, large pores, uneven skin texture, diffuse redness and scars. You can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as bruising or excessive skin irritation. Treatments can be performed in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of topical anesthetics or gel. more details...
Photo Genesis (for Treatment of Skin Redness, Brown Spots And Sun Damage).
Intense pulsed light treatment by employing a broad spectrum of light energy in a range of wavelengths, supplies high energy levels of light power in millisecond bursts to the skin. This treatment improves sun-damage, age spots (sun-induced freckles), broken capillaries, facialveins, and numerous other facial imperfections. The beauty of this non-invasive treatment is that there is virtually no “down-time”. A treatment takes only 30 minutes, and you can return to work or daily activities immediately. It is administered in a series of 3 to 5 treatment sessions, providing gradual, natural improvement. more details....
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